I've just heard about this and with the tough times today it can't hurt to try it!
Here is what my friend Heather wrote about it over at her Mom4Life.com blog and I wanted to share it with you all.
Here is something that might help save you some money: www.swaptree.com. If you haven't heard of this website, I will try to sum it up--think eBay only trading, instead of buying and selling. Swaptree focuses strictly on media (books, CD's, DVD's, games) and allows you to set up a free account and make a wish list of things you want. Then you list anything you have (books, DVD's, ect) that you are willing to part wtih. The website does searching in its database and when there is a match you get an email and you can choose if you want to do the trade. If you do, simply ship out your item via media mail (this is your only cost) and then wait for your item to arrive in the mail, easy peasy! (Most often the trades are set up with three people so who I am sending an item to isn't necessarly the same person I am getting an item from). I waited to tell you about this service until I had done it a few times successfully. I have now had at least 7 trades and they all worked great and were really very, very easy! I love it! The only downfall is that you have to be patient. Sometimes what you want isn't in the system because no one else has it on their list to trade. Also, the more you have on your list that you are willing to trade, the more likely you will be to get trades lined up. Try it out, save some money and have fun!
Enjoy being a mom all day!
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