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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Morning Grocery Trip!

I have always been one to use coupons, but never one who can save BIG and guy a lot of items for little cost. But recently I've come to a realization that I need to figure out how to get a lot of items at little or no cost! I spent 2 days trying to figure out my coupons. I only had 1 Sunday paper insert so I wasn't going to get a lot of items. So I called my friend to see if she had any coupons she wouldn't use and printed a lot out as well.
I also found a lot of good coupons on Ebay. Just go there and type in the coupon your looking for and you will find 15-20 of them for $1.00. Just watch the expiration date, because some are up really soon and unless you get them quick and plan on using them, you don't want them. I look for the dates that are a month or more out.

So today I saved $128.77 for my first big trip! I plan to get better and save more in the future. But the total would have been $302.51 which I NEVER spend on groceries, EVER. And with my savings I spent what I normally would $173.74. $7 of that total was for 4 Sunday Papers so technically I spent $166.74 on groceries. Yeah!

Try out couponmom.com and go to the "Grocery Deals By State" tab at the top left. You can find your grocery store and it will print out the sales and coupons for your store. It will actually tell you which Sunday insert to find the coupon so you don't have to search through all the store advertisment's to match your coupons to. It's free to register. You can watch this video to see how it works. SORRY ABOUT THE VIDEO SIZE. I couldn't get it to be smaller even when changing the HTML dimensions. But you'll get the idea and can log into their site to view it fully.

So for my first try at REAL savings.... here are just a FEW things I got. Toilet paper for .22 cents, Pizza's for $1.99 each, Kleenex tissues for .65 cents each just to name a few things.

Enjoy being a Mom All Day!
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Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Looks good! I would love to be able to save like that.